Everything you need to know about the Financial Wellness Group app and your Debt Management Plan

We want to make your experience with us as effortless as possible and have introduced the new Financial Wellness Group app to make the organisation of your debt management plan even easier than before. You can now access all of your important information, report lender contact and many more incredible features. Just download the Financial Wellness Group app from the Google Play or App Store today, log in using your online account details (or register within the app).

FWG App Screenshot

Access your personal details

Updating your personal details is a simple task, but if you don’t have the time to call one of our advisers, or you dislike talking on the phone, it can be a chore. Our app allows you to access and update your personal details without contacting us directly. This can be almost anything from a change of phone number to a new email address; simply login to your account and update them by clicking on the ‘My Details’ tab via the ‘More’ icon.

All the information you’ll need

We wanted to make accessing important documents and details of your plan simple and easy. Rather than giving us a call, you can access all this information via the app; all you need to do is download it, set up your account and you’re good to go. Whether you’d like to see your remaining balance or want to double check the minimum term of our agreement, visit the ‘Finances’ page via the ’More’ icon to see a breakdown of your plan.

Correspondence made easy

Any correspondence from us now be accessed via the app. From updates about your plan to information requests & reminders, you’ll have all the information you need online by clicking the ‘Message’ tab. If you’d like to send us a letter from one of your lenders that you think might be important, you can do this effortlessly by selecting the ‘Document Upload’ tab via the ‘More’ icon and sending us a picture.

Setting up direct debits has never been easier

You’re more likely to keep on track with your payments and avoid arrears charges by setting up a direct debit. But don’t worry, there’s no need to call us. You can do this via the app by clicking on the ‘Payments’ button via the ‘More’ icon and setting the right payment date for you. And if you need to double check when your next payment date is, and the amount that is going to be taken, you can check this via the same page as well.


Finally, if you’ve started your IVA but would like to read more about how they work, you can access our detailed FAQ page which should clear up any question you may have. Simply click the ‘More’ icon and select ‘Help and FAQs’ to read them at a time that is most convenient for you. If you have further questions, you can contact us directly within the app as well, just press the ‘Contact Us’ icon   and send us an email.

Annual review deadline/ requesting a review

Every year we conduct an annual review to make sure your plan is suitable for you. This includes going over your finances, taking into consideration changes in circumstances and evaluating whether a different solution would be more appropriate. For us to complete this, we will request relevant information from you which will need to be provided before the deadline date – which can be found via the dashboard tab. If, on the other hand, your circumstances have changed and you are struggling to make your monthly payments, you can request a review by clicking the ‘Book a Review’ icon on your dashboard tab and selecting your preferred day and time.


Adding a lender to your plan

If you decide to take out another line of credit that could be added to your plan, you can add your new lender to the app by clicking on [enter] icon and [insert directions]. Providing this line of credit is unsecured and your new lender is happy with our proposal, we will recalculate your monthly payments in line with what you can afford. All you need to do is click on the ‘Add a lender’ button via the ‘More’ icon and enter the relevant details.

Are you on an IVA rather than a Debt Management Plan? No problem, check out our round-up of app features especially for you. https://www.financialwellnessgroup.co.uk/blog/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-financial-wellness-group-app-and-your-iva/



Sophia is Financial Wellness Group’s Senior Copywriter and is committed to helping people understand and take back control of their financial wellbeing.