Meet the Team: Kevin

As part of this month’s Meet the Team segment, we would like to introduce you to Kevin, our happy-go-lucky Conversion Rate Optimization Analyst. Kevin spends his days exploring ways to make our website, and your experience as customers, better. We had the chance to catch up with Kevin and ask him all about his role at Financial Wellness Group and a bit more about him as a person. This is what he had to say…

Tell us about your role at FWG

As the Senior Conversion Rate Optimisation Analyst (CRO), I look after all of the digital analytics and website experimentation functions. Everything I do is about customer insight into our websites and identifying opportunities to improve the website experience for all our visitors. With this insight, we form ideas and conduct experiments to split website traffic, to see how this improves the customer’s online experience.


What’s the most exciting part of your job?

Without a doubt, it is the moment where I can declare the results of an experiment and finally see if our theory has had a positive result. The beauty of experimentation is that there are no losers – there are only wins and saves! So, either way, with each result, comes new insight and I love that.


What do you find challenging about your job?

Collaboration is a big part of CRO and for the most part, and while that has been largely unaffected during the pandemic, I find that working from home can mean that you miss the office interactions and chance conversations that can lead to a new idea for some insight or even a new experiment.


What motivates you at work?

The chance to make a difference. CRO is a relatively new discipline and I’m really excited to demonstrate its benefits and ultimately widen the knowledge and participation from around the business.


Have you ever been told you look like someone famous, who was it?

Well, my team call me “Justin Bieber’s Dad” but I’ve since googled him, and we do not look alike, so it must be my ageing boy-band vibe that’s doing it. Well, the joke’s on them because I’m taking it as a compliment regardless. Tim Vincent (TV presenter) is probably the most common one I’ve been called over the years – especially back in the days when he was on TV quite a lot.


What’s the best piece of advice you have ever been given?

There are two pieces of advice that I try to live by:

The first one is don’t ever let the fear of failure prevent you from doing something. I could talk quite a lot about this, but the short version is that with any ‘failure’ there comes new learning, which is a progression in itself so you are better off than what you were before you tried.

The other one is to always let your outcome be the result of a decision rather than indecision.
This is about taking ownership of your situations and tough choices. Don’t let things drift until the situation is taken out of your hands.


If you could pick up a new skill in an instant what would it be?

Being able to sing and dance would fit with the whole ageing boy-band thing I suppose. From a professional perspective, having the instant ability to write website code would be a timesaver!


If you could choose any historical figure to be your imaginary friend, who would it be and why?

Does the dog-dragon from ‘Never Ending Story’ qualify? Everyone needs a friend like that. If not, then I would have to say Steve Irwin, the Australian crocodile guy. He seemed to have a great presence about him and boundless enthusiasm for what he did. Some might say it got him killed, so perhaps there’s a lesson there too!


If you missed out on last months’ Meet the Team instalment, don’t worry! You can read all about Lauren here. 


Sophia is Financial Wellness Group’s Senior Copywriter and is committed to helping people understand and take back control of their financial wellbeing.