Meet the Team: Lauren

Once again, it’s time to Meet the Team, your chance to get to know our staff on a more personal level. At Financial Wellness Group, we are especially proud of how hardworking and friendly all our staff are.

So, without further ado, meet Lauren, a Subject Matter Expert who’s obsessed with Golden Girls. But if you want to know more, keep reading to find out what goes on behind the scenes and what skill Lauren thinks everyone should have…


Tell us about your role at Financial Wellness Group?

I’m the Subject Matter Expert for the Creditor Liaison team which covers Creditor Liaison and Portal Support.  This means my day is extremely varied and can include anything from completing T&C and handling legal workflows, to dealing with creditor issues, testing the systems and analysing trends for future improvements. It can be super busy, but I love it.


What’s the most challenging part of your role?

The most challenging part of the role for me is the legal aspect because things can change quickly, and we need to make sure that we’re always following all the correct processes and acting in our customer’s best interests. More generally, the banks have many different departments and internal processes which can cause things to take a long time to resolve, but we know we are doing what’s best for our customers and their accounts.


What do you enjoy about the work you do?

I enjoy the variety of work and I love that no two days are the same. Also, even though we are not customer-facing, I love hearing that the customers are happy with the work that CRLO team have done behind the scenes, because it means we have made a difference.


How has the last year impacted how you and your team work – and what did you do to adapt?  

Obviously working from home has had its challenges but, I think the team and the business as a whole have really taken the changes in their stride. Plus, Teams and Zoom have been more than beneficial for meetings/training and has helped keep us motivated.


What skill/ability do you think everyone should have?

The ability to talk to animals like Dr Dolittle!


If you could bring back any fashion trend what would it be?

Not so much a trend but I would definitely be up for dressing like I lived in the 40s-50s!


What’s your best scary story?

I don’t really like scary films or anything like that –  however, I have a fear of masks so when I went to Disney World in Florida, that was pretty scary for me. I had to try and act cool, calm and collected in front of the children!


If you had 25 hours a day, how would you use your extra time?

I would probably watch more episodes of Golden Girls or do some crafts!


Are you loving our Meet the Team blog posts as much as we are? Well, make sure you’ve met Natalie, Katrina, SimonRachel and Zoe too!


Sophia is Financial Wellness Group’s Senior Copywriter and is committed to helping people understand and take back control of their financial wellbeing.