Meet the Team: Liz

We got the chance to speak with Liz this week, another amazing colleague who’s brought so much to Financial Wellness Group. Hard-working and passionate about her role, Liz loves nothing more than helping people, even when she isn’t working. But if you want to learn more about what Liz enjoys doing in her spare time, her favourite movie and the best place she’s ever visited, keep reading…

What is your role at Financial Wellness Group?

Learning & Development Business Partner.

What is your favourite thing about your role?

I work with a lot of amazing people across the business, supporting colleagues to develop in their roles, by helping them build their knowledge and skills. Seeing something that I have designed and delivered come to fruition really feels like a job well done!

What led you to this career?

I started my career at Financial Wellness Group supporting our existing customers then moved into a role where I mentored other customer service colleagues.  The opportunity came up to take this company-wide training job and I jumped at it.

My passion has always been to help people, and when these positions became available, I felt drawn to moving into them. I have never looked back!

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I always wanted to be somebody’s personal assistant. Being organised is something that makes me very happy, and I always thought this role would involve a lot of that.

What is your favourite film and why?

I find it very difficult to pick just one; watching films is one of my favourite things to do. Some of my favourites however are Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo & Juliet, as I love the way it is filmed and, of course, it’s a classic. Another one is Man on Fire, as it’s everything you could want; action, emotion and keeps you on your toes.

Where is your favourite place you’ve ever been?

Manhattan Beach in LA, simply beautiful!

Tell us about something that recently made you smile.

Every time I see my three nieces (aged 7, 4 and 1) it puts a massive smile on my face and instantly makes me feel happy.


If you didn’t get the chance to read about our colleague Dan, you can still catch up here.



Sophia is Financial Wellness Group’s Senior Copywriter and is committed to helping people understand and take back control of their financial wellbeing.