Let us know if you’re struggling

Between the energy price rises, the end of furlough and the Universal Credit cut, it’s a hard time for many people. If your finances are affected, let us know.

Everything you need to know about the Financi…

After an anticipated wait, we are happy to announce the arrival of our new app, available to all IVA Customers. We want to make your time with us effortless, and have created this app to make accessing documents, updating your…

The furlough scheme ends this month

Last updated 1st October  As you probably know, the furlough scheme ends at the end of this month. So what does it look like for this final month – and what happens after then? What’s happening to the furlough scheme…

Protection insurance: what you need to know

The coronavirus pandemic has made a lot of families, in the UK and across the world, painfully aware of how important it can be to have a financial safety net if something goes wrong. And most of us simply don’t…

What does the Winter Economy Plan mean for me…

Last updated 25/9/20 This week the Chancellor announced plans to give additional financial support to some of those affected by lost income due to coronavirus. Read on to find out what these are, whether you can benefit, and what to…

Debt Management Plan Reviews

We paused Annual Reviews during lockdown, but we’ve now begun carrying them out again. This means that we’ve started sending Annual Review invitations out again, so please keep a look out for yours over the next few months. Your review…

The Furlough Scheme – What’s Changing In …

Last updated 26th August As you probably know, the furlough scheme is staying in place until the end of October. But there will be a few changes between now and then. And with so many announcements coming out all the…

Back to school in a Covid World: Everything y…

After months of speculation and uncertainty, it’s been decided- the kids are going back to school. But the big question is, how are things going to be different, and what will you need? Schools, colleges, sixth forms and universities shut…

Meet the Team

We thought it would be a great idea to put some faces to the names you may have spoken to, so each month we are going to introduce you to some members of our amazing team – the people who…

Redundancy: know your rights

As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s a grim fact that redundancy is now an ever present reality. As businesses try to survive, many are being forced to make some employees redundant. Between March and June this year, 649,000…