Let us know if you’re struggling

Between the energy price rises, the end of furlough and the Universal Credit cut, it’s a hard time for many people. If your finances are affected, let us know.

10 Quick Lunches

From crunchy salads to Italian platters, lunch is an opportunity to refuel your body and take a much-needed break from work.  If you struggle to find time in the day because of work commitments or childcare, we’ve created a diverse…

Your financial roadmap to the end of lockdown

Here’s how to make sure your finances are in the best shape for you to enjoy the end of lockdown

How to look after your mental health

We offer all our IVA and Debt Management Plan customers access to a Wellness Assistance Programme through our app to support your mental health.

The Debt Respite Scheme (Breathing Space) is …

The new Debt Respite Scheme, also known as ‘Breathing Space’, comes into force on 4 May 2021. Here’s a reminder of how that will work, and who it could help.

Here for you as things change

Last updated April 2021 Across the UK the lockdown restrictions are being eased. There’s a long way to go yet, but things are gradually beginning to return to something like normal. We know this means different things to different people….

How to understand and check your tax code

Find out what those digits on your pay slip mean, why it matters, and what to do if your tax code is wrong.

Bank Holiday Opening Times

Updated 27th April   In case you need to get in touch with us during the Bank Holiday period, our offices will close at the usual time on Friday 29th April and will reopen on Tuesday 3rd May. Friday 29th April:…

Meet the Team: Kevin

As part of this month’s Meet the Team segment, we would like to introduce you to Kevin, our happy-go-lucky Conversion Rate Optimization Analyst. Kevin spends his days exploring ways to make our website, and your experience as customers, better. We…

How and why to set up a Direct Debit for your…

If you’re on a Debt Management Plan (DMP) or IVA with us, you’ll understand how important it is to make your scheduled payments on time. After all, missing some could actually extend the term of your solution. For that reason,…